Friday, November 5, 2010

Watching Toy Story 3

Jared took the day off work today. After taking Jacob to school we headed to Mom's house. Adam stayed there while we went shopping. Eli came with us and was content in the carrier. It sure was fun having Jared shop with me. After we finished shopping we stopped at Tim Horton's for coffees. Then we stopped at Mel's house to pick up Abby (her dog) who is staying with us for a few days. We got back to Mom's around noon. After lunch I nursed Eli and tucked him in for a nap. Dad and Jared played pingpong. Adam loves Nana's stairway to the upstairs. He comes down it so fast by sliding on his belly. Mom worked on her coupons and I put tabs on the files in my coupon box. On the way home we stopped at meijer and I went in to buy Toy Story 3. After dinner tonight we surprised the boys with it. They didn't know what movie we were going to watch and were so excited when they realized what it was. Eli cuddled on my lap during much of the movie.


Uncle Dee said...

OK -- look at the first picture in this post. And then look at the first picture in the next post.

They are not the same boy. You have done it again! Suddenly, without warning, a bigger boy appears!