Saturday, February 6, 2010

After breakfast the boys got out the duplo legos to play with. While they played I cleaned up the house and put away laundry. Around 11:00 we headed to the library to return some books. As I grabbed the books to take to the drop box I heard, "Not Mister Seahorse (from Adam)" and "Not Curious George (from Jacob)." The boys were very excited about going to Nana's house and also that they were going to be spending the night at Aunt Bippi's house. They made up songs to sing on the drive to Nana's house. Nana was watching a video from when my sisters and I were baby's. The boys and Nana built with Lincoln logs and they also played with matchbox cars. This afternoon I helped Mom organize all her many files of pictures on her computer. Jacob really liked playing with Kenzie's barbie dog that eats and poops and her tiny doll figures that you can dress up. Around 4:00 Vikki came over and soon after that Kenzie's got off the bus. Mom and Dad left to go out to dinner. I did my afternoon run. Jared came there from work. After hugs and goodbyes to the boys Jared and I headed over to my grandparents house to look at a couple things. This evening we went out to dinner at Pi's. Then we went to Best Buy to look at printers and video cameras. We bought a new printer. At home Jared and I took care of the animals and then came inside to set up our printer and try it. We got to talk to the boys who sounded like they were having tons of fun with Aunt Bippi and Kenzie. Jared and I watched some I Love Lucy before going to bed


Mom R said...

What brand of printer did you get? Our's quit working and daddy says we need another one yesterday. Don't know what to buy since I've heard some are difficult to set up. Let me know asap. Daddy wants it for income tax. Woo...a night without kids. I bet that felt funny.

Hailey said...


Hailey asked to leave you a comment. She asked me how to spell Aunt Meme and then kept telling me to go away or not to look until she was done typing. She tried spelling it all out herself by sounding out the words. It says "Aunt Meme can (k) I spend (spen) tonight (toonit) sometime (sumtim) when (wen) your (yr)baby is born (bon. I will (wil) be a helper (helpr. Love, Hailey

Melissa said...

I don't know why some of Hailey's comment got cut off. That's weird. Oh well, at least it only got cut off at the end so you just can't see where she signed her name and the e in love.

mom s said...

Cute comment from Hailey. So precious. I bet she would be a really good helper. She loves babies so much.

mom s said...

I wouldn't exactly say you helped organize my picture files...I would say you organized my picture files. That was so nice of you. Thankyou so much. Love ya