Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Jacob getting his camera ready.

He'd set the timer so we could get a picture together (Daddy grabbed the real camera and took this one).

The boys were up around 7:30. I finished my last exercise and then the boys took turns painting pictures on the computer. We watched Sid the Science kid. After breakfast the boys got out the legos to play with. We made a post office, mail car, several mail boxes and some houses. We had fun playing with those and our lego people for quite a while. Jacob was so excited to wear his new light up shoes to school today. On the drive home we passed our neighbors cow farm. Adam suggested we take our horses there and bring all those cows to our house. After lunch Adam and I played for a little while with legos. I told him I was going to make a forklift and he said, “No, its not forklift day.” I was tired so I lay down with Adam for a nap. After about an hour I got up and did my afternoon run. Jacob was excited to tell me about his day at school. He said they didn't read a book during story time but rather all made up a story together. Jared was home shortly after 5:00. After dinner I did some sewing on a couple pair of Jared's pants. Jacob set up a photography studio in our bedroom and had us posing for pictures. He’d also set the timer to pose with us. After looking at the picture he’d either say, “It looks good" or "It's blurry lets try that again.” The boys were tucked in bed around 8:30. Jared and I watched Lost.


LRuss said...

Loved the big shoes. Are they snow shoes? I thought they might be ski boards from the olympics.

mom s said...

Good action picture of the boys with the big shoes on. Off and running....I guess size doesn't stop them.

Melissa said...

Love how Jacob set up his "camera" to take pictures. Cute how he set the timer so he could get in the pictures too. Glad Jared got out the real camera so we could all see it. Jacob's going to be a good photographer just like his mommy.