Monday, February 22, 2010

Cute boys!!!

We got a package in the mail from Hailey. She'd made cards for all of us.

Jacob wearing his superhero cape (apron).

"When you pull both strings it makes this sound."

Superhero's flying.

I had an OB doctor appointment this morning. The snow made the roads very slick so it was slow driving. Jacob was friendly with the receptionist and started off by introducing himself and then Adam. Adam smiled and said hi too. The boys loved getting to hear the baby's heartbeat. This evening the boys were excited to open the package we got in the mail from Hailey. They love their cards and sure enjoyed the suckers - thank-you Hailey!


Uncle Dee said...

Not only do you have superheroes flying, you have a superhero lifting great weights!

AND a superhero keeping up with a blog during her ninth month!

It's whole family of superheroes!!

mom s said...

Such happy faces. So sweet of Hailey to send valentines with goodies in them.

Melissa said...

Oh, I forgot to tell you. After making the cards for Jacob and Adam, Hailey said she wanted to make one for the baby too. Then she said "Aunt Meme can just eat for him cause he'll still taste it."

Hailey said...

lovehailey2511254hfvyrhdev 425316745rrreefhjdfhgeheeyejhgdbfbgfbbbgdbhbhrhijyuioiyigbvbchb vvgf,jrghsdjjimjf ghjjbbcfdnj dnfhmmbn jgkgjgjgjn njhj k kj b fjggjjmgm ,mgkjgb m khhjj m jgmkgmmffjm kkgjnjhgjkgkjfgjgj glhkkgk ,g,,gv.b212345678901jtjtjtjyjhy