Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Jacob's school went on a field trip to the library today and he rode a bus for the first time. He really didn't want to ride on the bus and seemed a little nervous about it. Miss Tiff said that he sat by her on the way there but sat by a friend on the drive back to school. She also said that at the library Jacob was laughing so hard at the speaker who was being silly. Jacob was very excited to tell me about his bus ride and especially the huge mirror that the bus driver uses. He also laughed as he told me about the lady at the library.


Uncle Dee said...

The world keeps getting bigger -- Jacob's first bus ride. I wonder when he will draw a picture of a bus with its big mirror . . .

Mom R. Grandma R said...

ONe more bridge has been crossed. The journey continues. And...the fun increases when adventures are shared. I was thinking about Mykenze feeding Eli and remembering that I was about her age when I played with my little cousin babies one now being probably 55 years old or more. It appears that Eli will sleep almost anywhere. What a kid. I love Adam's blue hands. That's another what a kid. Love you all.