Monday, April 19, 2010

The boys were up around 8:30am. By 9:30 we were headed on our way to Nana's house. Mom and I started working on fixing her closet doors but had to quit so I could nurse Eli before Jacob and I had to leave for the dentist. Jacob loved playing in the play kitchen in their waiting room. After I finished filling out some paperwork I had fun pretending in the kitchen with him. He made me a sandwich, some coffee, and baked me a cake. While I got my teeth cleaned Jacob sat in the chair and did dot to dots and mazes in a coloring book. He was very talkative with the dental hygienist and she asked if he was always so laid back. While waiting for the dentist to come in for me the hygienist took Jacob across the hall to get x-rays. He sat in the chair and put the thing in his mouth but pulled it out as she walked away. I could hear him crying and she soon brought him back. Now he didn't even want to sit in the chair to get his teeth cleaned. I held him on my lap but he didn't want to open his mouth for the dentist. She just talked to him for a little bit and then had him guess how many teeth were in his mouth before she counted them. He did great for his teeth cleaning and choose chocolate toothpaste. Then they wanted to try and get x-rays again. They wanted me to hold his arms down while they tried to pry his mouth open, shove it in, and hold his mouth shut. He cried and said his belly hurt. I felt horrible and was glad when they finally gave up. They told him they'd try next time he was in and he said, "Uh huh, maybe when I'm five." He was excited to pick out stickers, a toothbrush, and toothpaste. We stopped at McDonalds for lunch. Jacob told the lady at the table next to our that he went to the dentist. We got back to Nana's around 1:30. Eli was sleeping and Nana said he was very good for her. The boys played upstairs while Mom and I finished working on the doors. Aunt Bippi came over and surprised the boys each with a racer lego set. They enjoyed playing with those. Around 3:30 we headed over to Mel's new house. The kids sure had fun playing there. Mom got us Tim Horton's donuts and coffee. We stopped at meijer before going home. After a late dinner we went outside. Jared burned a piled of cardboard, paper, and branches. Then he and the boys took the trash down to the dumpster.


Mom R said...

Did Eli get a hair cut? He looks different every day.
Dentist. Holding hands down is NOT the way to treat my grandson. Boo. Boo. Was there a big reason to do xrays? Sounds like the JB family is getting very good about repair and installing doors. Very talented to say the least. We could keep you busy here. Another great day coming. I just can't stay in the house. Working hard on deer proofing plants. It's working so far. The deer could be migrating as well.

Kimmy said...

The dentist saw a "shadow" on the inside of one of his molars and wanted to make sure it wasn't a cavity. No hair cut for Eli. I think sometime the lighting makes his hair look different.

Melissa said...

Eli sure does look different in those top two pictures. He looks so much older. I can't believe they tried to get X-rays first. They're lucky he let them clean his teeth after that. Poor Jacob.