Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Kenzie waiting for Dr Jacob

Yesterday we took our fish to the pet store and took down our fish tank (since no other fish can live in our water). Then last night, after the boys were in bed, Jared and I changed around the living room. The boys slept in until 8:45 this morning. It was a rainy day and Kate was at my feet most of the morning. This morning sure went by quickly. Mom and Kenzie came over around 2:00. They brought Mocha and I trimmed her hair. Nana picked Jacob up from school and he was excited about that. Mom left around 4:30 and Kenzie stayed to spend the night. Uncle Jared and Kenzie played some Mario Kart this evening. After the kids were in bed I worked on cleaning our our bedroom closet.


Mom R said...

Wow...It does look like you changed stuff around. Piano must be where the fish take was or maybe the desk. The corner cabinet is now in the corner ofcourse. Bet the kids were surprised. And...closet after the kids went to bed! Well, it might have been easier without them playing in the same place you were working. Eli just continues to wake up and more aware of where he is. Fun, fun.

Mom R said...

Wow...It does look like you changed stuff around. Piano must be where the fish take was or maybe the desk. The corner cabinet is now in the corner ofcourse. Bet the kids were surprised. And...closet after the kids went to bed! Well, it might have been easier without them playing in the same place you were working. Eli just continues to wake up and more aware of where he is. Fun, fun.

Mom R said...

Looks like I'm repeating myself. That's nothing new. I noticed dog tracks on Eli's outfit. Must be bulldog tracks. Go Butler. We still remain proud.

The Daddy said...

what kind of fish did you have...we have some big silver dollar fish and an angle fish and a couple of smaller fish the bigger ones can get a little crazy but they all get along

Kimmy said...

We had 11 black molly's that were born in our tank over a year ago. They were nice fish and the only ones that seemed to be able to live in our water.