Thursday, December 2, 2010

Eli got his third tooth. His gums looked so sore yesterday and were even bleeding. He was fussy throughout the day and especially in the evening. The boys were excited that we got a little more snow during the night. After taking Jacob to school we came home and watched Cat and the Hat. I rocked Eli for a while before tucking him in for his nap. Then Adam wanted me to rock him. We went outside for about an hour to play in the snow. I hooked Normans leash to a lunge line so I could work on teaching him to “come”. He is doing really well and has also learned “sit, down, stay, and shake.” After awhile Adam came to me saying, “Mommy, my hands is freezing cold so I want hot chocolate.” We raced to the house to come inside. Adam painted with Kenzie’s paint markers. Eli woke up around lunchtime. While I did my afternoon run we watched Bob Ross painting. Then I helped Adam build a tent with blankets and he played with his matchbox cars in it. When Jared got home from work we were just getting ready to go outside. The dogs had fun running around in the snow. Truman chased the Frisbee and Norman chased Truman. We came inside for dinner and Eli was just waking from his nap. After dinner Adam helped Daddy make some banana bread. Eli loves playing peek-a-boo with his blanket.


Uncle Dee said...

Is Eli really standing by himself on Jared's stomach?

Anonymous said...

I was fast letting him go and then grabbing him while kimmy snapped a picture.