Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Surprise Mommy! New socks(and Starbursts)!

During breakfast Jacob said, “Someday I would like to moved to a different country, like Indiana, or Georgia, or where Uncle Rick lives.” Adam and I watched Cat in the Hat. Eli practiced crawling on the floor and played with his toys. Adam and I played some games(chutes and ladders and candyland). I tucked Eli in for a nap around 10:00. Adam and I played house and pretended it was my birthday. Eli woke up around noon. After lunch we did some coloring. Adam cut up some paper. I got my coupons cut and filed. Adam pretended that the exersaucer was a space shuttle as he blasted into space. He’d count backwards from 10 and then say blast off. Eli was very happy to play on the floor. But when he does cry lately he has such a scream! He rolled under the tree a few times and loves to touch the lights. Jacob and I did some coloring on Eli’s build-a-bear box. This evening we took Jacob to bell practice at church. While he was there we went to Home Depot to walk around. Eli loved riding in the car cart with Adam. His eyes were so big when we first started walking. Jacob sure had a fun time playing bells.This evening Daddy and the boys came walking down the hallway with a surprise behind their back. It was lots of new socks for me and inside the socks were starbursts!