Thursday, December 16, 2010

Look at our muscles!

Jared took the day off work today. Jacob was excited to have Daddy take him to school this morning. We had a Veterinary appointment at 10:00 for both dogs. On the way we stopped for coffees at Tim Hortons. It sure was nice to visit with Dr Peters and the rest of the people I used to work with. From there we went to the mall and Kohl's to do some shopping. Adam ate a packed lunch and then we headed over to the dentist for Adam's appointment. He sure liked pretending with the play kitchen and foods while we waited. Eli hung out with Daddy in the waiting room while I went back with Adam. When the hygienist came to the waiting room to get him he quickly opened him mouth wide. He loved the movable chair he sat in and the suction straw. He chose raseberry toothpaste and grape flouride paste. They took x-rays and he was really good for that. He's hoping we do x-rays again in 6 months for his next appointment. They showed him his teeth on the screen which he thought was really cool. After he was finished they let him pick out two stickers, a pencil, a toothbrush, and gave him some toothpaste. He said he wanted to give one of his stickers to Jacob (and he did). Jacob said, "Oh my favorite - spiderman!" This evening we went out to dinner at fazoli's.