Saturday, May 29, 2010

Opening gifts from Uncle Rody, Aunt Vikki, and Kenzie:

Jacob excited because he just played T-ball at school.

Home run!

Trying out Jacob's new slip n slide

Jacob pretending to be a robot.

We went out for Sat am drink/donuts. And also went to Best Buy, meijer, Kroger, and TSC. We got back around noon. The boys and Kenzie had fun playing in the little pool on the deck. Kenzie and Jacob also caught snails, crawldad's and frogs in the water. Aunt Vikki came over to bring to boys their birthday presents and to pick up Kenzie. They each got Zhu Zhu pets and bubbles. Jacob also got a slip n slide and Adam got a T-ball set. We went outside to play some T-ball and then tried out the slip n slide. What fun!!! A man came over and bought more than 30 chickens from our freezer. The boys love their zhu zhu pets. Jacob named his Josie. Vikki watched the boys while I sheared our sheep. Jared and Kenzie helped hold them down. Were glad to have that done. After eating a late dinner we went outside on the deck. We relaxed for a little while. Then I gave Jared a haircut. The boys were tucked in bed around 9:30.


Grandma R said...

Great practice on the sheep before you got to JB. I remember quite well that you did the same last year at some point pregnant! What a gal!!!! The deck/pool picture looks so cool. I really mean temp wise as well with the green, green lawn in the backround. Pretty picture. T ball. What fun. You have the perfect hill for the slip and slide. Way to go Vikki. Great selections.