Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day 2010

There were thunderstorms this morning. The Memorial Day parade was supposed to be starting at 10:00. By then it was only sprinkling so we decided to see if it was still going on, but it wasn't. We got to my parents house around 11:00 and had a nice visit with them. They showed us pictures and videos from their trip to Creation Museum. We got to Mel's house around 1:00 for a Memorial Day party. Jacob and Adam opened their birthday gifts and each got a Webkinz. We had such a nice, relaxing day visiting with family and friends. The food was really yummy. The kids kept busy and all played so well together. Eli spent the first few hours sleeping. When he woke up he was full of smiles and talking. Around 4:00 it started raining. The kids had lots of fun playing in the rain. Jacob's clothes got wet so he stripped down to underware as soon as he walked thru the doors. I put them in the dryer for him. Mel put a Chicka Chicka boom boom video in for them to watch and they really enjoyed that. Adam fell asleep quickly on the drive home. We had to stop twice so Jacob could go potty. Got home around 8:45.


mom s said...

I'm glad you stopped over before going to Melissa's. I was hoping you would. We sure did have a fun time at their house and the food was delicious. The kids all played so well together and it was nice visiting with everyone. Nice fun party wasn't it. You took some very nice pictures.

Uncle Dee said...

It sounds like a great day. And I am glad your folks are back -- I was wondering why they were so quiet on your blog . . . It's good to have them home.

Melissa said...

Great pictures. Love the ones of the kids with their wet hair after playing in the rain. What a fun day!

mom s said...

What a nice comment from Jared's Uncle Dee. The blog is a good connector. I sure like reading all the comments and feel like Jared's wonderful family is our family too.