Friday, May 28, 2010

Eli's first time in the pool.

Catching crawdad's

This morning we left around 7am to go shopping. Nana's gone so the boys came with me. They liked helping me put groceries in the cart and then loading them onto the belt during checkout. From there we went to Nana's to get the cold things into the cooler. Then we went to toysrus. We walked around there for over an hour. The boys liked checking out all the toys, especially Buzz Lightyear and legos. We got to Nana's house around noon. The boys ate a packed lunch on the drive there. It was a warm day so we decided to go swimming. I set up the playpen in the shade and Eli took a long nap in it. Jacob spent more than 4 hours in the pool. I swam for a couple hours. Adam prefers to be held in the pool rather than move around with swimmies on, though he does do well at it. Jacob goes all over the pool with the swimmies on. He even likes holding his breath to put his head under water. Jared got out of work early and went for a swim. Eli also went in the pool with Daddy. He cried at first but quickly stopped and seemed to enjoy it. Kenzie joined them in the pool after getting home from school. She came home with us to spend the night. After dinner we went outside. I gave Jacob a haircut on the deck. Jared mowed the front yard again. Kenzie caught 22 crawdad's. Adam decided to take off his shoe and use it as a cup to scoop water from the filling pool. He dumped it onto Eli's bouncy seat. The boys were tucked in bed by 9:15pm. Kenzie picked out a I Love Lucy dvd to watch.


Uncle Dee said...

Jacob's haircut looks good -- he is all ready for really hot weather now. Eli is the greatest little sleeper and smiler! I hope Adam keeps on getting the water; he will get more and more comfortable as time passes.

LRuss said...

Did that little Eli really need a blanket when you all were in the water? Continue to love the pictures. I made an effort today to get the house back in shape waiting for the next visit. I'm trying to sssslllloooowwww down. It's not my usual thing to do but I think it's time.

Kimmy said...

Actually, it felt cool in the shade with the breeze. Jacob been saying he misses Grandma and Grandpa