Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Eli slept until 5:30am. After nursing he went back to sleep until around 8am. Jacob and Adam were up around 7:30. After breakfast the boys played with the road track and some matchbox cars. It was a beautiful day outside. We spent the rest of the morning out there until it was time to leave for school. The boys had fun playing in the water with their sticks. Eli also enjoys being outside. I worked on organizing my coupons. After taking Jacob to school we headed to my parents house. Nana watched Adam and Eli while I went to my doctor appointment. This afternoon Mom and I w re-upholstered the seat of her rocking chair. It took us a couple hours but we had fun doing it together. Kenzie came home to spend the night with us and I get to take her to school in the morning. Jared had picked Jacob up from school. When we got home Jacob was drawing pictures and Jared was working on power washing the deck. After dinner Kenzie and the boys went outside to play in the fort. After a while they got on water boots and went in the water. Kenzie found some snails and a tiny crayfish. Jacob and Adam were excited to have Eli join them in the tub. They liked helping me wash him.


Mom R said...

The change in the deck is amazing. Now seal it up and you have something good. A new place picture for the three kids. It's the TUB. Haven't seen a barn picture yet. How about putting Eli in a bucket to get a great water shot? Being outside on a wonderful day is just the best. Our garden looks great. I think we had a deer visit but no plants were eaten. I've been spraying my deer goop.

Mom R said...

The change in the deck is amazing. Now seal it up and you have something good. A new place picture for the three kids. It's the TUB. Haven't seen a barn picture yet. How about putting Eli in a bucket to get a great water shot? Being outside on a wonderful day is just the best. Our garden looks great. I think we had a deer visit but no plants were eaten. I've been spraying my deer goop.

Grandma R said...

Rub a dub dub. Three men in the tub. And...who do you think they be? The butcher the baker the candle stick maker. Can't remember the rest.

We had a fisher price little toy tub with three men in it. Now wouldn't that just be perfect?

Melissa said...

Love the purple crocs, Jared. :)