Thursday, May 27, 2010

Jacob and Adam crawled into my bed around 8am. First thing Jacob said was, “I’m five years old!” Eli was up around 8:30. After breakfast the boys went right to playing with the fire station. They played with that and foam blocks until it was time to leave for school. Jacob was excited to take birthday cupcakes to school and pass them out to his friends and teachers. After lunch I nursed Eli and tucked him in for a nap. I worked on my coupons some and then played with Adam and the fire station. When we got home from school the boys watched a Veggie Tales video. They ran to hid under the covers on Adam’s bed when Daddy got home from work. We went outside and sat on the glider. We grilled hot dogs and bbq chicken for dinner. After dinner Jared picked up grass with the lawn sweeper. Then he tilled the garden to get it ready for planting. The boys played in the fort until bedtime.


Uncle Dee said...

What will go into the garden for the new owners?

Anonymous said...

Well, we have corn, beans, and carrot seeds left over from last year. Not sure what elso were going to get. I'm sure peppers and cucumbers.