Monday, October 25, 2010

Corn teepee

tractor pedal race track

Huge slide - this was so much fun!

Its dark on the drive to school in the mornings now. After feeding Eli his breakfast we watched a Clifford video. The boys and I went outside. Adam put on his water boots to play in the puddle. We played house and also went “fishing” in the puddle. Adam even handed Eli a "baby fishing pole", which he said he could even chew on. We came inside so I could nurse Eli and tucked him in for his morning nap. Adam played with the train set while I did my morning run. Then we played with duplo legos until lunchtime. After lunch we went back outside for awhile. It was such a beautiful day. We came inside shortly after 1:00 when Eli woke up. After feeding him lunch the boys played duplo legos. Well Eli likes to chew on them. I did my afternoon run. The boys had fun sitting in the legos container (which has wheels) while I pushed them up and down the hallway. Then Adam filled it with toys for Eli to play with. And he gave Eli a ride around the house. We saw a little snake on the side of the road as we walk to get Jacob off the bus. Adam wore his water boots so he could walk thru the puddles on the road. Back at home the boys played with their road set and matchbox cars. Around 4:30 we headed over to pick Jared up from work on our way to the Apple Orchard. Jacob was so excited that we were going to the Apple Orchard where he had his field trip. We all had a great time there. They had a huge sand box, corn teepee, straw pyramid, vineyard maze, huge slide, putt putt golf, and more. The boys loved to be locked in the corn teepee and then escaping. We had a great time finding our way through the maze. The boys ran and went through it several times. We got home around 7pm and ate a late dinner. Eli was so tired so I tucked him in bed around 7:30 and he went right to sleep.


Uncle Dee said...

The Apple Orchard certainly looks fun! And I love seeing Eli sitting and playing with those Legos -- he is joining the Lego Club!

mom s said...

Nice pictures at the Apple Orchard.
Looks like you all had fun. I wish you and Eli had your head in the picture with Jared, Adam and Jacob. Those two empty spaces needed to be filled with beauty.
I love the picture of all of you on the swing. Looks like Adam is feeling better. So Glad!

Grandma R said...

What a fun afternoon. That's the best way to get worn out. Fun, fun.

Dust Bunny said...

I would not like being held over a mud puddle either. My back feet would be ready also. But at least the poor kitty is getting attention. He looks like Fat Boy that lived here a few years before I arrived in Big R.