Monday, October 11, 2010

Jacob walked into school on his own this morning. Adam saw a slug bug car in the parking lot and said, “wug bug white and no wug back!” I fed Eli his breakfast and Adam watched The Cat in the Hat. Then Eli played on the floor with some toys while Adam sat at the counter playing with playdoh. I relaxed and enjoyed my morning cup of coffee. Around 10:00 I tucked Eli in for a nap. Adam and I got out the easel to draw on. We also played tictactoe on it. Then Adam had me cover it with a blanket and he pretended it was his car. We went outside to play for a while until just before lunch. I woke up Eli to feed him lunch before we had to leave for his picture appointment at Sears. Eli was very good for his pictures though he didn’t want to smile much. He was very interested in the lights and the lite x on the floor which he sat by. Afterwards we went to Barnes and Noble to play at the train table. It was just after 3pm when we got home. Jacob sang me a new song that he learned at school. Eli took a nap and woke up in time for dinner. The boys drew on the easel. Jacob liked drawing the numbers and letters on it. He showed Daddy how to write numbers 1-5. Adam played Webkinz until dinner was ready. After dinner Jacob played Webkinz. He had made Eli a comfy bed on the floor using his blankets and pillows and surrounded it with his stuffed animals. Eli was happy laying there for a little while. The boys and I played some house.