Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Monday 10-18-10

I was woke up around 6am to birthday spankings. Eli started talking early and I loved listening to him. Jacob and Adam sang Happy Birthday to me and ended it in "and many more. Mom and Vikki called this morning to wish me a Happy Birthday (and I got to tell Vikki Happy Birthday). Jared had changed the ringer on my phone to him singing Happy Birthday so I was surprised to hear that when my phone rang. After taking Jacob to school the boys and I went out to Tim Horton's. Adam picked out a vanilla frosted donut with sprinkles. We also went to Salvation army. There I got a nice Cuisinart coffee maker and a older suitcase. And Adam got a pair of sunglasses that he really liked. We got home just before lunchtime. Eli was sleepy so I fed him and then tucked him in for a nap. Jared left work early and got home around 1:30. He and Adam played with legos. Eli woke up around 2:30 and cuddled with me as I rocked him. We walked down to the end of our road to get Jacob off the bus. Jacob held my hand the whole walk home. Vikki, Rody, Kenzie, and Misty got to our house around 5pm. Kenzie is watching Jacob and Adam while we go out for dinner at Pi's. Mom met us at the restaurant. Eli was so smiley during dinner. On the way home we stopped to get a video (The Karate Kid). Eli cried most of the way home. The boys had a great time with Kenzie. After tucking the boys in bed Jared and I watched the movie.