Monday, January 18, 2010

The boys were up at 8:30. We watched Sid the Science kid during breakfast. Jacob was asking to go outside before finishing breakfast. The boys played for a little while and then Jacob went into his bedroom to get dressed. I helped Adam get dressed and then we got ready for going outside. The weather was nice today mid 30 degrees. Jacob really enjoys playing with his Bruder backhoe and dump truck in the snow. Adam was running and sliding on the ice. We came in after about an hour and the boys played with automoblox until it was time to leave for school. While Jacob was in school Adam and I enjoyed playing doctor together, reading books, and playing with the soft cars and play mats. Jacob was excited to tell me about his day. He told me that he made a little crown for the baby and a couple extra crowns for when I have more baby's. He said, “cause Moms have lots of baby’s!” We played with the soft cars and blocks. When Adam’s being silly Jacob likes to say, “You silly goofball Adam.” Jared got home from work around 5pm. Before he was even in the house Adam was yelling out the door, “I’m glad you’re here Daddy!” The boys sat at the counter to cut papers until dinner was ready. We made tacos for dinner, which the boys loved. This evening Jared went outside to work on the bunk bed. Shortly after he went out the boys and I also went out there. The heater keeps it nice and warm in the workshop. The boys enjoyed playing in the sawdust. We came inside to get ready for bed. Jared and I watched 24 this evening.


Uncle Dee said...

I am so excited to see the bunk bed! Nice to see it in progress.

Just how many crowns did Jacob make?

Lela or Mom R said...

Once again...JB...You in the workshop is something your grandfather would have loved to do with you. After all, he built our house from scratch. Now there's a project I would not recommend. He did it before kids. Kimmy...keep taking pictures of the bed. It looks fabulous from what I can see. Great pictures in the workshop. It's JB with tools as the sewing machine is to his mother.

LR said...

Big question...Has Truman taken good care of the flannel cover or is it in need of repair? How's my granddog behaving? He looks pretty tame at this point.

Kimmy said...

Jacob made 3 crowns but says he's going to make more. Truman (and Kate) has been really good with the flannel cover. Have the dog's been behaving? Hmmmm? Truman puked up a sock the other day and I found a pair of Adam's underware under his crib with only the top elastic left(Kate). Kate also rolled in poop this weekend and we cut her hair to get the worst out.

LR said...

Sounds like the granddogs have room for improvement. They get a D-. But never give up hope. That leades to survival for YOU.

LR said...

I just spotted the little wastebasket in the boys cutting picture. Glad you are using that. Should help with clean up.