Monday, January 11, 2010

Riding their horse

Both boys woke up just after Daddy left for work this morning. They lay in bed quietly for awhile before going back to asleep. Adam woke up around 8:30 and Jacob slept in until almost 9:30. After breakfast we watched Sesame Street. At 10:30 we headed into town because Adam had an 11:00 appointment to have his pictures taken. He acted shy and didn’t really want to let go of me. After awhile though he warmed up some and began talking to the photographer. There was no crying so that was good and we got a few good pictures to choose from. Afterwards the boys ate a packed lunch in the food court. Then they had a great time playing at the malls play area. We stayed there for a little over an hour. They also had fun pretending on the quarter rides. We got home around 2pm. The boys played for a while with legos and matchbox cars. I tucked Adam in for a nap around 3pm. Jacob typed on the computer and then played games at PBSkids. Jared was home shortly after 5pm. When Adam woke up he cuddled with Daddy for a while. Then he asked me to help him play pbs games on the computer. After dinner Jared went outside to plow the driveway. A while later he came back in asking me to check out his head. The belt had come off from the tractor so Jared pushed the it into the light. He then got underneath it to put on the belt while holding in the clutch. Thinking the tractor was in neutral he let off the clutch. The chained tractor tire went over his head and his arm/hand. He still went back outside to finish plowing. Jacob and Adam were pretending their hockey stick was a horse as they rode around the house. When Daddy got on their horse Adam said, “No Daddy, this is just for little boys.” At bedtime Jacob read me “Make Way for Ducklings.” I was surprised how much of the story he has memorized. After the boys were tucked in bed Jared went outside to work on their bunk bed.


Uncle Dee said...

Should Jared take a course in Industrial Safety? Or a course that links industrial safety to farm safety?

Adam's shirt is certainly handsome -- as is Adam. Well, come to think of it, so is Jacob!

The Daddy said...

yeah I was thinking the same thing Dee...maybe mr safety better take some more safety training!! Here are a few links...

IAPA Home PageIndustrial Accident Prevention Association (IAPA), Ontario Service Safety Alliance (OSSA) and Farm Safety Association (FSA) amalgamated on ... Certification Training The Occupational Health and Safety Act requires that one worker and ... - 16 hours ago - Similar

National Ag Safety Database - Tractor SafetyAll tractor operators should receive safety training. .... This Maine Farm Safety Fact Sheet is part of an educational fact sheet series produced by the ... - Cached - Similar

From your MOTHER said...

Now knock it off E and D. Accidents happen to all of us regardless of all the precautions we take. That's why they are called accidents. But...I really, really don't like to hear about this accident. Heads are not made to support tractors. Call Kimmy. She would be happy to help and you needed help. Good grief. Watch out Mr. Safety. I know you can do better.

Fantom of Richardson said...

To "From Your Mother " said with all the BS at Thanksgiving the last 3 years as to "Accidents Just Don't Happen" etc.etc. "Hold on to the stair rail when using the stairs" don;t you think all the harrassment is needed????? I do!! His head was not hurt as we all know how hard it is. And just to check and recheck even tho you thought you had it out of gear. Be like the carpenter measure twice and cut once. Check the transmission etc twice before putting head under tractor in gear.
Happy to hear you are OK but just had to join in with Mr Safety and his "accident"!!!

Jared the man formerly known as Mr. Safety said...

Yes I'm ok. The adrenaline rush was awesome. I'll just shut the tractor off next time and won't have to worry about transmissions etc. If I'd only done a proper risk assessment that "accident" wouldn't of happened. It was a little strange having the chains from the tire hitting me in the head over and over again. When I rolled out of the way I had a feeling I was in rougher shape than what I was. However Kimmy's a little worried as she keeps saying I leave out the number 6 when I count to 10.