Friday, January 8, 2010

Jacob and Daddy playing hockey.

Jacob had an appointment to get his pictures taken at 11:00 today. He really liked the photographer and was very talkative with her. He smiled great and was happy to do any pose she asked him to do. When he noticed the stairway, which he had pictures taken on last year, he told the lady, "I used them when I was not 4 yet (when I was 3)." After Jacob was finished I gave him a high five and told him he did a great job. Adam then gave him a five and said, "Great job Jacob!" The boys ate a packed lunch and then we headed to the middle of the mall so the boys could play there. Back at home the boys were excited to get a package in the mail from Uncle Rick. This afternoon both boys were acting tired so I had them lay down for a nap. Adam woke up just after Daddy came home, around 4:30. Jacob woke up just before dinner. After dinner the boys sat at the counter to play with playdoh. Jacob and Daddy built with Legos while Adam and I continued playing with playdoh. Then Jacob and Daddy played some hockey. Adam and I had fun playing doctor.


Melissa said...

Cute matching shirts!

Melissa said...
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Uncle Dee said...

When I saw those shirts, I thought of Rick . . .

Dust Bunny said...

Uncle Dee guessed correctly as to the source of the Allen Americans T-shirts. Hopefully I did not leave too much long hair on them. They were nice and warm here in big R :>)

mom s said...

I agree that the boys look very cute in their matching shirts.