Tuesday, January 5, 2010



After breakfast the boys sat at the counter to play with their new moon sand sets. They played with their sets for awhile and then traded. We also watched Sesame Street and Clifford. I worked on writing in the boy’s baby books. While Jacob was at school Adam played Candy Land (he wanted to play by himself). He'd hold up the card and tell me what was on it before moving one of his four pieces. Then we sat at the counter and built with the lego set until it was time to leave. At home I read with Adam and tucked him in for a nap. Jacob and I built with legos. Adam woke up just after Jared got home from work. Adam and Daddy played a game of Candy Land before dinner. This evening Daddy filled up a large bucket with snow for the boys to play in. They enjoyed eating it as much as playing with it. They used ice cream/cookie scoops and mashers in it. Daddy put some snow down my back, which started a "snow fight" in the house. After tucking the boys in bed Jared went outside to work on the boy's bunk bed.


mom s said...

I love the third picture from the bottom. Those are sure handsome boys. Love ya

Melissa said...

Very cute pictures! Those boys are just too cute.