Thursday, January 7, 2010

Jacob was up around 8:30 and Adam soon after that. Truman slept on Jacob's new mattress also last night and Jacob was excited about that. Adam called from his bedroom just liked he does every morning saying, "I AWAKE!" Most of the morning the boys played with legos. After taking Jacob to school we headed to Adam's doctor appointment. On the way there we stopped to put Jacob's car seat in Daddy's car(he's picking him up from school). Adam was excited to see Daddy. At the doctors Adam refused to stand and be measured so he was measured on the table. They gave me a questionnaire to do with Adam while we waited and Adam liked doing the things on it. I was telling the doctor of our trips to GA and IN when Adam, who had crawled under the chairs, stood up to say, "And we went to Grandma's house too!" The questionaire was asking questions like, does he use two word phrases, can he jump over this paper, jump and get both feet off the floor, name the pictures, stand on one foot for 3+ sec, point to the picture when asked "which one barks (dog), gallops (horse)... Well, after hearing Adam join in on our conversation and speak, the doctor said I didn't need to finish the questoinaire and he threw it away. Adam got two vaccinations today. He was very brave and didn't cry or squirm for either. He did say a quiet, "ouch" for the first. Adam picked out a sucker for him and also one to give to Jacob. We went to Goodwill from there. It was snowing outside and really coming down quickly. The roads were getting bad. We stopped at meijer before going home. We were going to visit Nana and Papa but because of the slick roads I decided to go home before they got worse. Adam cried because he wanted to see Nana and Papa but then smiled with an idea. He said, "The snow plows can plow the roads so we can go to Nana's house. How bout we do that?" Adam's showed Daddy and Jacob where he got his shots. He legs seemed sore and he was acting cranky so I gave him some tylenol. The boys played with moon sand while I made vegetable soup for dinner. Jared went outside to plow the driveway. This evening Jared played some Mario Kart. The boys each enjoyed a turn driving too. Jacob and Adam were playing with their automoblox and decided to trade (they each have four). They had fun playing with each others sets. We tucked them in bed around 9pm.


Melissa said...

Love that second picture from the bottom.

Uncle Dee said...

Well, Kimmy, I would say that you have a smart doctor.

mom s said...

Very nice pictures!!!