Monday, January 25, 2010

Jacob is hanging up Berry's clothes.

Recently we got the Wii Fit Plus and I did exercises on that this morning. I unpacked the baby clothes. Jacob woke up around 8:00 and had fun picking out some things to pack in the baby’s bag for the hospital. Truman slept in Adam’s bed last night. Jacob kept going into the bedroom to see if Adam was awake yet. Adam slept in until 9am. Jacob loved making his bed this morning. He set up his blankets on the end of his bed to make a photography background. Then he took pictures of his stuffed animals. He’d point at the wall (computer) saying, “Do you like that picture?” Adam can climbs up to the top bunk but needs some help getting back down. Jacob got out all his bruder vehicles to play with and Adam got out the Little People toys and barn. We watched Sesame Street and Clifford. Jacob and Adam played on the top bunk until it was time to leave. Jacob had fun dressing Berry and hung up his extra clothes on the wall. I had an OB doctor appointment at 2:00 so, after taking Jacob to school, we headed into town. First we stopped at Mom’s house for a short visit. Adam wanted to watch Baby Einstein so Nana put that in for him. He brought a blanket to the couch and wanted me to cuddle by him. My doctor appointment went well. We got done just in time to get back to Jacob's school. After reading I tucked Adam in for a nap. He was very tired and fell asleep quickly. Jacob sat at the table to draw. I enjoy hearing him talk about his drawings. He also had fun cutting and stapling. Jared got home around 5:30. We woke Adam just before dinner was ready. After dinner I went outside to take care of the animals. I also organized clothes into totes that are stored in our tack room. I came inside and organized the boys closet. The boys were tucked in bed shortly before 9:00. Jared and I watched 24.


mom s said...

Nice to see you and Adam even if it was a short visit.

Grandma R said...

Hi Kidos...something is coming in the mail. Should be there by Thursday or so. Have fun. Your bed is the best!

Grandma R again said...

The picture of Adam with his chin in his hands is beautiful. What big brown eyes. Don't quite get why the blue is in the small picture and not in the enlarged one. That picture is a keeper for sure. Looks like an angel.

Melissa said...

I love the color of the bed with the blue walls in the background. It's so pretty. Adordable kids too.