Monday, June 28, 2010

Adam and Eli were up around 8:30 and Jacob slept until 9am. After breakfast the boys and I played with legos. Eli was content to be on his belly for a short time. He started to fuss so I cuddled with him in the chair and he was full of smiles. He loves for me to play pat-a-cake with him. At 10:30 I tucked him in for a nap and he slept for 3 hrs. Jacob played webkinz on the computer. Then I helped Adam play his webkinz. After lunch the boys sat at the counter to play with flour. Jacob helped me vacuum the floor (and counter) when they were done. Jacob, Adam, Eli and I played hide and seek. Jacob and Adam are good at hiding (always together) and being really quiet. Eli and I hide behind the hanging robe in our closet. The boys had a hard time finding us there, but they kept searching and found us. Jacob and Adam put blankets, toys, and stuffed animals in the hallway and said it was their boat. We watched a Baby Einstein video. Eli took another 3 hr nap this afternoon/evening. Jacob and Adam rested on the couches while looking at books. Then they sat at the counter to draw. Jared got home around 5pm. We ate dinner a little early this evening. Daddy took Jacob and Nik (neighbor boy) to vacation bible school at our church. Adam helped me pull weeds from the flowers. Then Jared, Eli, and I relaxed on the glider. Adam had fun playing with the pool water. Jared left shortly after 8:00 to pick up the boys. Adam picked out lots of books for me to read to him and Eli. I tucked Adam in bed at 8:45 and he was asleep very quickly. Jacob was very excited to tell us about VBS and is looking forward to going back tomorrow.


Mom R said...

I think Jacob looks like a ten year old! He sure can take care of a job! Yesterday's pictures of the three boys is delightful. I'm heading to the drugstore again! What a bummer.

Kimmy said...

We were bummed you couldn't make it. See ya soon!