Wednesday, June 9, 2010

We headed to Nana's house around 10:30. The boys watched Homeward Bound and loved it. I had a dentist appointment that took almost 2 hrs. The boys stayed with Nana during that. Then Nana, the boys and I headed to a nearby farm to pick strawberries. Eli stayed with Papa. Jared came to my parents house after work. He and Kenzie were playing dominos when we got back. We had pizza and strawberry shortcake - thanks Mom! We watched Homeward Bound 2. Got home around 8:30. Adam fell asleep on the drive and stayed asleep as Daddy put him in bed.


Uncle Dee said...

Yummmmm!!! Strawberry shortcake!!! Do you know our tradition of having big bowls of strawberry shortcake as the ONLY thing for supper! Did that tradition get passed on to Eric and Jared? Are they passing it on to Jacob, Adam, Andrew, and Noah? What better on a summer evening than the big mixing bowls all on the table for strawberry shortcake?

The Mommy said...

The tradition is alive & well here! We did that too, growing up. Actually, we did strawberries with pancakes more than shortcake... but since Eric "DOESN'T EAT PANCAKES" it's shortcake for us. Noah still gets something else to eat at this point, since he's still so young and needs more than shortcake & berries, but at some point he'll just get shortcake like the rest of us.

The Mommy said...
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LRuss said...

Well, not with strawberries. Sounds good to me.'s pancakes with syrup on the table at Copper Harbor. Just doesn't taste good because the air isn't coming off the lake.