Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I guess you can teach an old dog new tricks. Kenzie taught Kate to sit up.

Eli was up several times during the night from 2:30-5:30. He seems much more congested at night. I got up at 6am to do my exercises. Adam was up around 8:30 and lay in our bed for a little while. Jacob and Kenzie were up around 9am. And Eli was up soon after that. After breakfast Kenzie and the boys went outside. After they came back inside we played Webkinz. Eli took a long nap this afternoon. We made pancakes for lunch. Kenzie built a different fire station from Jacob’s set. He liked it and played with that for a while. Jacob and Adam played Candyland. Kenzie and I played Connect 4. Around 2:00 Kenzie and the boys went back outside. When Eli woke up I nursed him and we went outside too. Kenzie and the boys wanted to show me the house they'd made on the hay deck.They took some corn to the sheep and goat. The neighbor girl came over to play for a little while. Back inside Kenzie played some Mario kart. This evening as we were about to sit down for dinner a couple knocked on our door. They wanted to look at our house. Jared showed them the barn first while I cleaned up the house some. The kids ate dinner outside on the deck. The couple was here for about an hour and were really measuring and checking things out. They said they're definitely interested. My wedding ring had some bent prongs being fixed and they called to say it was back from repair. Jared and I (and Eli) went to pick that up. We also went out to dinner at Pi's. Kenzie watched Jacob and Adam. They watched Toy Story 2 and had popcorn and ice cream. We got home shortly after 9pm. Kenzie had the boys in their pj's and they were brushing their teeth. After tucking the boys in bed Uncle Jared and Kenzie played some Mario Kart. Then we watched some I Love Lucy.


Uncle Dee said...

So, where is the house you are going to move into?

LRuss said...

kIMMY...THE COMPUTER IS on and I see new pictures here. I need to go and read the story. I'll be back.

LR said...

Woo. I need to get on the prayer rug. I hope something can be worked out with the "buyer". We'll see. You might be living in the back yard in the tent at Penny's and Bill' house. It could be much worse.

Melissa said...

Wow, can't believe Kenzie taught Kate to sit up. She's good with animals. I need her to teach Abby a few things. :)

Kimmy said...

We haven't looked inside any houses yet.