Monday, June 7, 2010

I got up at 6:00 to do my exercises. Adam crawled into our bed around 8:00 and fell asleep. Jacob was up around 8:30. Adam and Eli woke back up at 9:00. The boys played with automoblox. Jacob was pretending the car roofs were “underwater airplanes”. Eli napped from 10 – noon. I got my coupons filed. Then the boys and I had fun playing webkinz. Adam buried Truman in blankets and pillows on our bed. We laughed at just his head peeking out. After lunch I vacuumed the house. We then went outside to enjoy the beautiful day. The boys swam in the pool. They also made mud to dig in with their Bruder tractors. Eli woke up from his afternoon nap around 3:30. He was such a smiley boy and talking a lot. Jacob and Adam got out the dress up clothes to play with. Jacob wore the scrubs and pretended to be a doctor. Adam wanted to wear only the apron again. Jared got home around 5pm. Daddy and the boys played some Webkinz. I enjoyed just cuddling with Eli in the rocking chair. After dinner we went outside to finish planting the garden. It was so wet and our feet were getting buried in the mud. Adam was a good helper with planting the corn. Jacob had more fun playing with the toad that Daddy found. Jared got the lawn mowed this evening.


Melissa said...

Love that first picture!