Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The boys woke up to an alarm this morning. Jacob was excited about it and quickly got out of bed to shut it off. While Eli ate his breakfast Adam played Webkinz on the computer. Then we watched an Airplane video. Around 9:30 I tucked Eli in for a nap. While I worked on my coupons Adam cut up some of my expired coupons. Adam made up a card game that we played together. He kept telling me how to play and asking, “Is that a good game?” Then we played "house" until lunchtime. Eli woke up around 12:30. I cut up apples to puree and freeze. Eli was playing in his exersaucer and Adam said, “Eli’s talking. I think he’s saying, I wanna lay down with Adam.” After getting Jacob off the bus I did my afternoon run. While I was filing my coupons Jacob stapled a small “pocket” and made coupons to go in it. On his coupons he drew things liked, scissors, milk, and cheerios. This evening Jacob wanted to play school and do a fire drill. Jacob pretended to be the teacher. We went outside and the boys raced Truman to get the Frisbee.