Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Jacob woke up again to the alarm this morning but Adam slept through it. After feeding Eli his breakfast this morning we watched a Psalty the songbook video. I tucked Eli in for a nap around 9:30 and he slept until 12:30. I did some exercises on the Wii. Then Adam picked some balance games for me to do. We got out the moon sand to play with. Nana came over around 11:30 and we cut up apples. We worked on that for a couple hours. Eli is eating carrots pureed from our garden and he really likes them. He also likes the pureed apples. Nana headed home just before 2:00. Adam rode his bike down to the end of the road where we waited for Jacob’s bus. Nik, his sister, and Mom also walked today so Jacob was happy to get to walk with them part of the way. The boys did some drawing and then painting at the counter. Eli took a short afternoon nap. Jacob got out the legos to play with. When Jared got home from work he did some exercises on the Wii. Eli cuddled on my lap. Adam also cuddled with us some. After dinner we went outside. We took a walk down our road and the boys rode their bikes. It was pj time when we got home.