Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Watching Daddy exercise on the Wii.

Eli was hugging his washcloth just like he does his blankey.

The boys woke up to the alarm at 7am. Truman puked a sock this morning. He also took off while I was getting the boys in the van for school. I searched for him and found him in our neighbors yard across the road from us. After feeding Eli his breakfast Adam picked out the airplane video to watch. Then I read some books with the boys. Around 10:00 I tucked Eli in for a nap. Adam and I went outside and played house. He loves playing “house” and asks to play it often. We came inside around 11:30. Adam played Webkinz while I did a 30 min run. Eli woke up soon after lunchtime. He was cuddly and I rocked him. Adam climbed up on my lap too. He talked sweetly to Eli and said, “Does you like me Eli, Does you?” Jacob was excited that we brought his bike to the end of our road today. He raced home on it. Adam loves counting things and is getting very good at it. Jacob and Adam did some drawings at the counter. Jacob showed me how to do “rainbow coloring.” He writes with pencil and then chooses three crayons to trace over what he wrote. Eli napped until around 5:00. After dinner we went outside. The boys wanted me to play "house/school" so we did that. Jared worked on his compost pile. We took a walk down the road.