Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Watching the firetruck video

Showing Daddy the bug

The bus picks up kids at the end of our road at around 6:30am so I’ll be taking Jacob to school in the mornings. He does get to ride the bus home, which is about a 30 minute ride. The van wouldn’t start again this morning. I hurried to the barn to get the charger and an extension cord and got it hooked up to the battery. It only took about 10 minutes but made us about a minutes late to class. Back at home I fed Eli his breakfast and then we watched a firetruck video. Eli started to get really sleepy around 9:30. He fell asleep on my shoulder as I carried him to his crib. Adam and I went outside to enjoy the nice cool day. I pulled some weeds while Adam played. We came inside around noon for lunch. Eli woke up soon after that. We went back outside so I could clean up the Ford tractor because a couple is coming this evening who are interested in buying it. Then we went over to the fort to play. Adam had a great time sliding down the slide on a board. He said the board was his skateboard and he went down on it many, many times. We walked down to the end of the road to wait for Jacob’s bus. Adam was excited when he saw the bus coming. Jacob was happy that he got to sit by Nik on the bus today. The boys raced back home and played on the fort/slide. Jared got home around 5pm. This evening a man came over and bought our old lawn tractor. The couple that was supposed to come look at the Ford tractor never came. The boys played with legos until dinner was ready. Eli tried some rice crispies today and seemed to like those. After dinner we went outside. Jacob found a bug, which he named it Nik. The boys had fun kicking around the soccer ball with Daddy. We came back inside for a snack and to get ready for bed. Jacob got to talk on the phone to Grandma.


The Daddy said...

Kimmy its can break down and buy a new battery for the van.

Kimmy said...

I know, it died after I dropped Jacob off at school today. I'd forgotten my cell phone but called Jared from the school. He was on his way on the scooter but that would have taken a while. Thankfully someone gave me a jump. We'll be buying a new battery today.

Melissa said...

Adam's really starting to remind me of you, especially in that first picture you posted today and in the picture with Kenzie a few days ago.

Melissa said...

I meant Eli not Adam.