Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Jacob's chapstick holder.

Jacob wrapped up Eli and thought it looked like he was wearing a costume.

Its been a fun couple day with Grandma and Grandpa visiting. Eli is one week old today and is doing great. It was a beautiful day outside, around 60 degrees and sunny. We spent much of the day outdoors. Daddy took Jacob to school. This afternoon Jared cleaned out the chicken coop. Adam played in the fort and I gave him pushes on the swing. Then he asked Daddy to take him down the curly slide. Eli came out too and slept in the carrier. Adam was excited to wear Jacob's water boots and had a good time in the water. I put on Jared's water boots so I could walk in the water too. We picked Jacob up from school at 3:45 and his teacher came to the van to see Eli. From there we headed over to the rail trail to take a walk. The boys had a great time riding their bikes. Jacob rode faster that Adam so he'd go a ways ahead and then turn around. Adam did great on his bike too and rode the whole way. Daddy helped the boys hook branches to the backs of their bikes. Jacob pretended he was spraying slippery oil that Daddy pretended to keep slipping on. The boys especially liked riding their bikes thru the water that covered some of the trail.


Melissa said...

Love Jacob's "chapstick holder". He's so funny. And all the outside pictures are great. It sure was a nice day today.

Grandma R of 5 said...

Wonderful memories and great fun. It's great that the boys can be outside enjoying the water. Thanks for the entertainment. It was a super visit.

The Daddy said...

Has Jared tought the boys how to try out for the olympics and not make it everytime??

Uncle Dee said...

I can't believe Eli has ALREADY been outdoors!! Wow! Life certainly is full up in Michigan!

I love the number of pictures of Adam lying beside his little brother. Does he really do it as often as the pictures suggest?

Grandma R said...

Grandma here. Yes Dee/Cass...Eli was in church on Sunday. JB said that he was paraded around the sanctuary with another new baby. I bet not as new as Eli. Outside. Yup...a whole bunch and can find him in the crib with Eli I would say about once a day at least . Well, that's a guess. But it does happen. Eli has two super big brothers.

Nana S said...

I always wondered what those loops on jeans were for and now I know. Great idea Jacob!