Monday, March 15, 2010

The boys woke up around 9:30. After breakfast they got out their automoblox to play with. Adam brought me Eli's bottle from the refrigerator and asked to feed him. It was a beautiful day outside, low 60's and sunny. We took Jacob to school at 12:30. After lunch we went outside to enjoy the nice weather. Adam did some digging in the sand with his shovel and Eli slept in the carrier. We picked Jacob up from school at 3:45. At home I folded and put away some laundry. Then we went outside. Jacob helped me carry all the glider cushions from inside to the back deck. We enjoyed sitting on Grandpa's glider. The boys did some digging and planted a tree (branch). Then they got on their water boots and had a great time playing in the water. Daddy got home around 5:30. He surprised me with a yellow miniature rose plant. We ate a late dinner. Jacob and Adam had fun playing in the tub. They always enjoyed running around the house after their bath. Tonight they ran into each other and banged their heads hard. We tucked them in bed around 8:45. Jared and I watched 24.


Vikki's Blog said...

WOw ELi is sure awake in that pic of him sitting on Jar's lap. What a cutie. Tell the boys i said Hi and give them all a kiss from aunt bippi