Thursday, March 11, 2010

Jacob and Adam were in bed by 8:45. I tucked Eli in around 10:00. He woke at 1:30 and 5:45 to nurse. Adam was up at 7:45, soon followed by Jacob. We cuddled on the couch and watched Curious George. After breakfast we got out the legos to build with. Eli woke up at 10:00. It was a beautiful day outside, 60 degrees and sunny. We went out there for about an hour until it was time to take Jacob to school. The boys had a lot of fun climbing the apple tree. Jacob also enjoyed riding his bike. They were destroying the mole hills and found a caterpillar. Jacob made a bed in the sand for it to lay in while he was at school. After lunch Adam, Eli, and I went outside. Adam really likes climbing the apple tree. He wanted me to sit in it as he pretended it was a car. He said we were going to the animal store. I got him a scoop of corn and he fed the chickens. When we got home from school Jacob and Adam sat at the counter to draw, cut, and paste. Jared got home around 4:30 and we all went outside until dinnertime. Jared raised the seats on both the boys bikes. After dinner the boys played with legos. They took turns giving Eli rides in with the tractor/cart. As we read our bedtime stories now the boys take turns holding Eli. They love singing to him. When we pray Adam helps Eli fold his hands too. The boys also want Eli to lay in their beds after we tuck them in.


Uncle Dee said...

It looks like Eli is already climbing an apple tree just to be with Adam!

Uncle Whoever said...

Whoa! I meant Jacob!!!! Sorry, the old brain forgets very easily . . .

It's the chicken that jumped up into Adam's arms.

Grandma R said...

What a wonderful under the bed pictures. One of these days the big boys are going to hide Eli. I can see it coming. The best place is under the crib. I love, love Eli in the wagon pulled by Jacob.

Vikki's Blog said...

Its even crazier to see Jacob holding Eli all by himself, what a big boy. He is such a good older bro. I love your boys soooooo much!!!

Anonymous said...

What can I say...such great pictures once again. Those boys are going to have such great times together and be so close. Eli's starting early...