Wednesday, March 17, 2010

This morning Jacob and then Adam came to cuddle in bed with me. We watched Sid the Science Kid. After breakfast the boys got out their legos sets to play with at the table. Jacob very carefully moved my plant and the other things on the table before taking the tablecloth off and folding it. It was another beautiful day outside. I nursed Eli while sitting on the glider and watched the boys play. After taking Jacob to school we came home for lunch. I did a 30 min run on the deck. Adam had fun painting with water. Eli seemed to enjoy sitting in the bouncy seat. We then headed to the park to play until it was time to get Jacob from school. We got home around 4:00. The boys had fun painting the deck and then digging in the dirt. I sat on the glider with Eli and enjoyed watching them. Jared got home shortly after 5:00 and sat with me on the glider for a while. Then Jacob, Adam, and Daddy put on their water boots so they could play in the water. Jacob told me that they were on an adventure. We ate a late dinner this evening. The boys played with legos for until pj time. We tucked them in bed shortly before 9pm.


mom s said...

Boy in the picture of Eli second from the bottom, he sure looks like his daddy.

Mom R said...

It's St. Patrick's day for sure. All that green! Three boys and boots. Not surprised at all.

Vikki's Blog said...

WOw in the 3rd picture Eli looks EXACTLY like Jared, and in the 6th one of Eli he looks EXACTLY like Jacob. Crazy. What a cutie pie.

Melissa said...

Wow, you're right Vikki. He sure does look exactly like them in those pictures.