Saturday, March 6, 2010

New closet doors.

Eli woke up once during the night. Then around 8:00 Daddy woke him so I could nurse him before we left to get our Sat am drinks and donuts. Jared got the new closet doors put in today. They look great and its so nice to have working doors. Eli spent much of today awake. Jacob and Adam did some great drawings on big pieces of paper. Jacob liked presenting his picture to us. He'd say, "Ok, sit right there. Lets count to three together. One, two, three." Then he'd say, "Come closer" and explain his drawings. On one he drew a big monster truck with lots of details and he also traced his hand. The other drawing he presented was a Nascar race car. The boys pretended to be fireman as they played in the firetruck. I was hurt in the fire so they brought out the doctor kits and took care of me. Then they got out all the Little people toys and bruder vehicles to play with. We went to town for more groceries this evening. Came home and ate a late dinner. The boys played with their automoblox until bath time. They were tucked in bed around 9:00.


Melissa said...

More great pictures! I love the black and white one of Adam holding him and also the one of them laying in the crib looking at each other. The one of the three boys laying on the floor together is very cute too.

Melissa said...
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Grandma R said...

Woo, more sleeps. We hope to arrive around 6. That's hope. We'll eat at our standard McDonalds before we get there. It's just a good stop after a long drive. Gets me going again. See you all soon. The pictures of three in the bed are great. The big boys are having such fun.

mom s said...

Looks like you have great helpers there. I love the 2nd picture...Eli is so adorable! I also like the pictures of the boys in the crib and Adam with Eli...he is looking so loving at him.

mom s said...

Great looking closet doors. Great job Jared!!!