Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Adam started yelling, “I awake” at 8:00. He went right into Jacob's room to check on him but Jacob continued sleeping until around 8:30. We watched the truck video during breakfast. Most of the morning was spent playing with legos. Adam also had fun with the automoblox. We picked up the legos and then got out some playdoh. The boys played with that until it was time to leave for school. Jacob gave me a hug and kiss before happily walking into his classroom. But soon I heard him cry and call for me. Today there was a substitute for Miss Tiff (teaching assistant) and Miss Laura (his teacher) was waiting outside to help the kids off the bus and into class. We stayed with Jacob until his teacher came back. Jacob showed me some things he'd made in the classroom and also showed me the calender. He was happy to see Miss Laura and helped her carry some things back into the classroom. Back at home Adam and I played outside. First we took a walk down our road. Adam pushed the wheelbarrel the whole time, stopping to put rocks in it on the way. Then he wanted to play school, which to him includes packing my lunch, driving me to school, and picking me up. We played in the fort and then the sandbox. Adam loaded his ride on truck with apples and I pushed him over so we could feed them to the rooster and horses. Adam caught several chickens. Some of them just lay down when you walk near them so they are very easy to catch. I cleaned up some things in the yard and also the back deck area. At 3:15 we headed back to school. Right away Jacob said, "We had a firedrill! We got on coat, lined up, and went outside. Red lights were flashing back and forth. There were no firetruck cause them was just practicing.” We were home around 4:00. We read some books and I tucked Adam in for a nap. Jacob and I played with automoblox for a little while. Then we went outside and took care of the animals. Jared was home shortly after 5:00. He did some Wii Fit exercises. We woke Adam just before dinner. He was tired and didn’t want to eat but sat on the floor and cried during the entire meal. He wasn't ready to eat until around 7pm. I rocked him and he enjoyed watching Daddy do some Wii Fit games. We played with the legos this evening. Then we played with the puppets. Daddy and each of the boys put on a show and then the boys put on a show for us. The boys were tucked in bed by 9:00. Jared had to make up another missed class this evening.