Monday, November 23, 2009

The boys slept until almost 9:00. Even though they slept in both of them were cranky this morning. There was a lot of whining/crying. Adam was picking on Jacob, like laying on the car mat he was playing on or messing his cars. He kept crying, "I'm tired" over and over. This morning I did some packing for our GA trip. I was running behind for school and then also had to take a long detour out of my way due to construction. One road I turned down was a dead end so I had to turned around. I pulled in the parking lot at 12:30 exactly. Adam had taken his shoes and socks off and thrown them all over the van. There were no tears from Jacob when I left him at school only a sad face as he walked to the lunchroom. Adam and I did some shopping while Jacob was in school. We got back to school early and watched Jacob having a great time playing outside with his friends. He was really excited to tell me about the new outdoor playhouse which has a gas tank. At home I tucked Adam in for a nap after reading a book. He acted like he wanted to go to bed. Jared got home around 4:45. He and Jacob played the Tonka game on the computer. I worked on hemming some jeans for Jared. We woke Adam up around 7:00, after we'd eaten dinner. I had his dinner ready on the table but the dogs cleaned his plate. So he just had a sandwich for dinner. This evening we had a great time putting up the Christmas tree. I turned on some Christmas music for us to listen too. The boys were so excited they were running in circles. They loved "forklifting" the boxes from our bedroom closet to the living room. Jacob set up the nativity set while Adam got out the Little People Nativity. Jared and I spread the branches on the tree. The boy sure enjoyed seeing all the ornaments and putting them on the tree. Then they put on the candy canes. They helped until it was all finished. The boys then enjoyed eating a candy cane. We hung some light-up things in the window and then went outside to look at them. The boys were tucked in bed by 9pm


mom s said...

You sure beat all of us getting your tree up so fast. It looks beautiful. Nice that the boys are as such good ages to enjoy it and keep at it til the end. I'm glad Jacob is playing at school again.