Monday, November 2, 2009

Jacob was showing me how he could twist his arms like a pretzel.

Jared left shortly before 5am. Jacob woke up at 7:00 but stayed in his bed for awhile. Then he played on my bed while I finished my exercises. Adam was up shortly before 8am. Both boys helped me make my bed this morning. After we were dressed for the day we went outside to take care of the animals. It was a chilly morning. The boys were so bundled up Jacob said, "Its a nice day out here." After breakfast the boys picked out a piece of candy from their bags. We watched Clifford and played with legos. The boys and I had fun playing hide and seek. They both hide in the same spot (Adam’s closet) every time but still thought it was great as I searched for them. It was raining when we left for school. Before going home we stopped at the store for a couple things. Adam ate some leftover pizza for lunch. Then I read with him and rocked him. At 1:30 I tucked him in for a nap and he fell asleep very quickly. I did some exercises and then just relaxed until it was time to wake Adam and leave to pick up Jacob. When we got home the boys helped me take care of the animals and collect eggs. They played with legos until dinnertime. They often pretend their going to GA. Daddy called this evening and the boys both wanted to talk to him. We sure do miss him. This evening we played with legos. We also watched an I Love Lucy episode. The boys also played in their tunnel. As I tucked Jacob in bed he told me the names of a few more friends in his class and what they did today. He also said, “I think Miss Tiff (teaching assistant) is gonna have a baby cause her's got a big belly.” I hope he doesn't say that to her.