Sunday, November 1, 2009

This morning I got up at 6am. It was nice to get an extra hour of sleep, especially since we got to bed late. The boys slept until around 8:00. After church Jacob asked if he could pick out something good to eat (from his Halloween bag) when we got home. Each of the boys picked out a piece of candy to eat before lunch. We had pizza for lunch. The boys cheered Daddy on as he played the Wii Fit. I took a short nap on the couch. We got out the Legos and they were played with for most of the day. Daddy built some lego vehicles with removable engines. Jacob loved playing with these. He would drive his car around until the engine broke down. Then he'd take it to the auto shop and Daddy would put in a new engine. We watched the colts game but Jacob cheered for the other team. I tucked Adam in for a nap around 2:45 and we woke him up for dinner. When Adam says no for something its always, “No sank shew (thank you).” And when he asked us to do something its usually, "Can you ... Can you?" The boys took turns picking Wii fit exercises/games for Daddy to do. They were tucked in bed around 9pm. Jacob told Daddy (who is working out of town this week), "I'll miss you after a few days." Earlier he told him he'd miss him all the way to the promise land.


The Daddy said...

Jacob, Jacob, Jacob..your not supposed to cheer for the other team!!