Friday, November 20, 2009

Sleeping in their house.

Jacob pushes the wheels to move around.

The boys were up around 8:00. We lay on my bed and I read several books with them. During breakfast we watched Bob the Builder. We did some more reading on the couch as Adam kept getting us more books. While I did some cleaning the boys had fun drawing on the dry erase/chalk board. They made a house by the piano and asked me to come lay in bed with them. Then Jacob wanted to play school. Jacob asked to be the teacher and so I asked him if he was Miss Laura or Miss Tiff. He replied, “No, I’m Miss Jacob.” We had fun and continued playing school after lunch. We went outside for a while and I gave Sammy his shot. His swelling is nearly gone. The boys and I had fun kicking around the soccer ball. Inside the boys warmed up with some hot chocolate. I vacuumed the house while the boys played with their tools. At 3pm I tucked Adam in for a nap. Jacob hurt his foot by stepping on the tool box. We watched a Baby Einstein video and then played with playdoh. Jared got home around 4:30. Adam was awake around 5:30. We went out for dinner at Fazoli's and then walked around the mall. It was around 9pm when we got home. While tucking Jacob in bed he sang a song called, "Five more sleeps til GA."


Uncle Dee said...

Well, I wonder what Miss Jacob says that is different from Miss Tiff or Miss Laura?

Will Jacob be coming to GA all in one trip, or will he stop overnight along the way? Will he come along I-75 for most of the way?

Vikki's Blog said...

I havent got on your blog in quite a while. I just got caught up though, TOTALLY cracking up at the puppet show. lol Loved Grover.

mom s said...

I love the picture of the boys with the Easel. So cute!!!