Monday, November 9, 2009

"Sleeping" in their house.

The boys woke up around 7:30. They played in the bedroom while I finished my last exercise. We watched the truck video during breakfast. Then I worked on folding and putting away laundry while the boys played with legos. They sat at the table to draw and also cut and glue. Shortly after 12:00 we headed to Jacob’s school. Jacob smiled when the teachers commented on his new haircut. It was a beautiful day, mid 60 degrees. Adam ate a packed lunch on the drive home. He and I played outside for over an hour. We played in the sandbox and then took a walk down the road. Adam wanted to walk in front of me saying, “I’m the leader, ok.” He told me to walk in the grass in case a car comes. He also collected some rocks, giving me two (one for me and the other for Jacob.) Inside Adam played with the legos. I did the dishes and then prepared a roast, carrots, and potatoes for dinner. Adam liked helping me peel the carrots and handing me potatoes. Jacob told me about his day at school on the drive home. We stayed outside for a little while before going in to tuck Adam in for a nap. Adam fell asleep very quickly. Then Jacob and I went back outside and took care of the animals. The goat/sheep have been drinking their water buckets down so fast that we thought there was a leak in their buckets. Well, today I caught Nutmeg leaning over their fence to drink down the buckets I’d just filled. Jared got home around 5pm. He fixed the fencing in Nutmeg’s paddock. We woke Adam up just before dinnertime. After dinner Jared played Mario Kart and then the Wii Fit. The boys love watching him play. They also played with the tools and legos. We tucked them in bed around 9pm. Jared is now taking a class to make up for one of his missed days last week.


Lela said...

These pictures made me laugh. In almost every one Jacob is the straight guy and Adam is doing something funny. Now that's a personality picture if I ever thought about it. It's a JB memory for sure. Thanks again for another peek into your day. Love you much.