Monday, November 16, 2009

Jacob said, "Look how cute we are, take our picture."

Jacob being silly.

This morning we went outside and the boy watched me give Sammy an antibiotics injection, pain pills, and then treat his leg wound. After I'd finished both boys wanted to give Sammy some grain. As for Sammy, the swelling is down and the wound looks better. We watched an Einstein dvd during breakfast. The boys like to point out Earth when they see it saying, "There's Earth. That's the planet we live on." Most of the morning was spent playing with legos. When Jacob asked for a drink of milk he said, "May I please have some milk. I learned that at school." Around noon we left to take Jacob to school. Jacob asked for 2 hugs and 2 kisses before heading into class. I was about halfway down the hallway when he came running out of the room. He was crying and said he wanted to go home with me. I took him back to class and sat with him until it was time to walk to the lunchroom. There was a new helper there today, whom later Jacob told me was Miss Low(?) and he really liked. Adam and I sat with Jacob during lunch. On our walk to the lunchroom Miss Tiff said that they've had a hard time getting Jacob to do things such as say the pledge (she has him stand with the class), write his name, or cut. She also said that when he does do these things he does great. Adam and I sat with Jacob during lunch. Both boys were very talkative with Miss Tiff. They told her all about the Cars movie. Jacob wanted a couple hugs before leaving to walk back to his classroom. Adam and I did some shopping until it was time to go back to school. We got to Jacob's school early and were able to watch him playing outside on "the castle." Last week he told us that he wasn't playing on the playground but just stood in the grass. He sure was having fun today and I enjoyed watching him. Miss Tiff said he did great all day and even was quite funny. Jacob was excited to show me the acorn he'd cut out and told me I could keep it for 2 sleeps but then Daddy gets it. Jacob has talked about them saying the pledge but I was surprised when he told me it almost word for word. He may not be saying it in class but he's listening and learning. He also told me about the story read where the squirrel lost its nuts. At home I tucked Adam in for a nap and we woke him just before dinnertime. Jacob and I went outside to take care of Sammy. Then Jacob said we were veterinarians. He pretended to read some really cute note that he'd wrote about the animals. As we raced to the house Jacob pretended to be Frank (combine) and I was Lightning McQueen. He wanted to chase me back to the barn and then to the house again. Inside we played store. Jacob and I set up items to sell and we got out the cash register. He even made cards to sell in his store. I did the shopping and Jacob was the cashier for the most part. When Jared got home he played this with us also. We laughed when Jacob was shopping for a card and laughed at a funny one to buy. We made chili for dinner. This evening we played with legos. The boys were tucked in bed shortly after 9pm.


Uncle Dee said...

Kimmy, Jared has many e-mail responses from his uncle to share with you. From today's post, it sounds as if Jacob has had a little hiccup in his adjustment to school -- and I wonder how much of it was related to the helper . . . Hmmmmm. . . . there are many possible influences on behavior (you will see some of my suggestions in the messages).