Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Adam cried the whole way down.

Bumper cars!!!

Nik and Jacob

Jared stayed home from work today so he could go with us to Family Day at the fair. I stayed up late last night so Jared let me sleep in until around 9:00 this morning. Jacob and Adam lay by Eli on the couch and sang a made up song for him. I worked on packing for our day outing to the fair. We met Nana, Aunt Missy and her kids, and Kenzie and her friend Ally at around 11:15. We parked in a nearby parking lot. After eating a packed lunch we walked to the fair. First the kids rode the 4-wheelers and then they rode the train. Jack was too short for most the kid rides so Mel got a bracelet so she could ride with him. Next Mel took Adam and Max on the small roller coaster. They loved it so much that Hailey decided to try it. She loved it too. Jacob didn’t want to go on it. Next the kids ran thru the maze, which ended in a really long slide. Adam was scared and cried the whole way down the slide. The other kids went in this many times. They had a great time jumping around in the big jumper. Mel took turns taking the kids on the bumper cars because they weren’t tall enough to ride alone. They liked picking the cars they rode in. Jacob says he loved crashing and driving the bumper cars. The kids had fun riding in the big dinosaurs and on the carousel. We then took them to ride on the bigger kid roller coaster. Jacob didn’t want to ride that one either. That is until he saw our neighbor Nik riding it. Nik invited Jacob to ride with him and so he did. The kids rode this several time and loved it. Lastly we tried to ride the Ferris wheel. We waited in line too long and just went over the 5pm cut off time so maybe next year. We went to Tim Horton’s before going home. After dinner the boys played with legos. They liked playing with the houses that Daddy built for them. Jared went outside to mow the lawn because we just got our mower deck back from being fixed. Now the lawn tractor won’t start. The boys had fun in a bubble bath this evening.


Grandma R said...

The cool dude in the first picture is a good one. And...Adam asleep with the book. What could be better...Nothing. I'm looking for a box the correct size to send surprises to Michigan. I've had a blast.

mom s said...

I love all the fair pictures. They are always so colorful and the kids always have such happy faces. Another fun day for all of us enjoying the children and their rides.

Melissa said...

I sure had fun riding the rides with the kids. They were so much fun. I'm so glad I ended up getting a wrist band too. That picture of Eli holding his hat while sleeping is supe cute.