Friday, August 20, 2010

Watching Clifford

Adam wanted to hold Eli while we watched Clifford this morning. We made waffles for breakfast. Last night Truman pulled the new loaf of bread from the cupboard and ate all of it. We made smoothies for a snack, which were very good. The boys played with the Little People toys. Then Kenzie, Jacob, and Adam played hide and seek. Eli took a 3 hr nap. After lunch we went outside. Jacob and Kenzie picked some tomatoes and peppers from the garden. Kenzie helped me scrub some stains out of the carpet and it looks great. I walked into Jacob’s room and he jumped from the top of his bunk bed. He doesn’t like to use the ladder to get up into his bunk or the loft bed. I worked on laundry. The boys and Kenzie played webkinz. Jared stopped at the house after work to pick up Kenzie. He’s taking care of our neighbor’s cows and Kenzie wanted to go with him. Jared got our lawn tractor fixed and worked on mowing some of the lawn. Eli napped until around 7:30. Kenzie helped me pulled weeds from the rooster’s old pen. The weeds were over our head but easy to pull out. This evening we went to the fair to walk around. We all shared an elephant ear, which was yummy. We got home shortly after 10pm.


LR said...

I don't believe there is a serious bone in Adam. What a character that I see in almost every picture. Watch OUT!

LR said...

I don't believe there is a serious bone in Adam. What a character that I see in almost every picture. Watch OUT!