Saturday, August 14, 2010

We went to sleep around 12:30 last night. I woke up at 3:30 and they took an ultrasound of my bladder. At 7:00 they took my vitals and drew blood. It was quiet in the hospital. Jared and I watched some tv. They wanted to do another ultrasound of my bladder before they'd discharge me. Around 11:00 we got out of the hospital. We stopped at Kroger to pick up some formula for Eli. I'd pumped some bottles but he'd just finished his last one. Due to anesthesia I can't nurse him until tomorrow morning. When we got to Mel's house the boys were eating lunch. Jacob said he wanted to stay there one more night. Mel had washed all boys clothes so I didn't have any dirty laundry to take home - thank-you Mel. From there we went to Mom's house to pick up Eli. He was happy and held my face as he said, "MaMaMaMa" over and over. I'm so happy to have my boys back. We stopped at Walgreens on the way home to get my prescription. Then we went to Tim Horton's and Dunkin Donuts for Saturday chocolate milk and donuts. We got home around 2pm. As we pulled in the driveway Jacob said, "I think I saw a fox. I saw a lot of chicken feathers." There were lots of feathers in the yard and in the barn. We could only find one live chicken and that one had a bad bite on its back. At home the boys played doctor with me. They loved using the breather thing that I got from the hospital. Adam was using the pretend scissors to cut my hair. Jacob played some Webkinz. The boys got out legos to play with. Both boys enjoy feeding Eli his bottles. Jared went outside to wait for the fox but he didn't see it.