Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Adam likes me to take pictures of him and Truman in the rocking chair.

Jacob playing in the snow.

Jared fixing our camera.

Sad face.

Jacob was teasing his sad face.

Jacob trying to copy Adam's sad face.

I rested in bed for awhile after finishing my am exercises. Jacob came in and cuddled with me. We were all up around 9:00. After breakfast Jacob and Adam played with legos in the bedroom while I finished vacuuming the house. We watched Sesame Street and Clifford. After lunch we went into town for a few groceries. Traffic was crazy and the store was very busy. We got home around 2:30. After tucking Adam in for a nap Jacob and I made a cake. Jacob thought we should have cake and ice cream to celebrate Jesus' birthday. I also made dough for rolls and a couple apple pies. Jared got home around 4:30 and we went outside. Jacob had been asking to play with Bruder vehicles in the snow and he had a great time doing that. We woke Adam just before dinner was ready. After dinner Jared worked on fixing our video camera. A flex circuit was broken and had to be replaced. It took a couple hours but now the LCD screen is working - yeah! The boys played with legos for a while. Then they sat at the table to cut up papers and glue. Jacob made an ornament to hang on the tree. The boys were tucked in bed by 9:00 but, with all their excitement, it took them about an hour to fall asleep. Now Jared and I are going to fill their stockings and put present under the tree.