Friday, December 11, 2009

December 10, 2009

"Take my picture Mommy"

Boys posing for the camera.

It was a very cold day outside. Adam was up around 8:30. Jacob got up a few times during the night saying he was scared. He mentioned that he was scared of the abominable snowman. We brought Truman in his room to sleep on his floor. Daddy also gave him Yellow Bear to sleep with. Jacob really liked sleeping with Daddy's bear and asked again to sleep with him tonight. He slept in until 9:30. Around 10:30 my Mom came over for a visit. Jacob gave her a rice crispy treat to eat as they ate theirs. Nana played with the boys while I trimmed Mocha. Around 12:00 we headed to Jacob's school. Jacob was excited to show Nana his classroom. While he was at school we went to Tim Horton and Dunken Donuts for coffee and muffins - thank you Mom. Then we went to the mall to do some Christmas shopping. Jacob was very happy to see that Nana also came with us to pick him up. We stopped at the post office to pick up some packages on our way home. The boys waved goodbye to Nana as she drove out the driveway. Jared took care of the animals when he got home from work. The boys played with legos and the package boxes until dinner was ready. During dinner Jacob taught us a new song he learned about a chubby snowman with a carrot nose and a rabbit. Tuesday he taught us a song about squirrels which was also really cute. He has done really well this week at school and loved being "weather helper." Jared's final in class was this evening. They had to give speeches and class for him didn't finish until almost midnight. The boys made a tent using a blanket and invited me in their house. We watched Cars this evening. I also gave Jacob a haircut. The boys were tucked in bed shortly after 9pm.


The Daddy said...

Jared should have brought Yellow Bear to GA this year...he could have been passed around!

mom s said...

It was such fun spending time with you and the boys and getting to see Jacob's school, not to mention our little Tim Horton stop and Dunkin Doughnut stop. Thanks for the yummy cookies. I can't imagine that Adam would ask to have his picture taken.

Melissa said...

Cute pictures of the boys posing for the camera.

L Russ said...

Wow. Red and Green sleepers. Looks like a great Christmas picture. Wondering how much snow you have. C Harbor is covered big time. Yellow bear continues to be a miracle worker. I'll need to tell Mary K.