Friday, December 4, 2009

Adam was up puking several time during the night. He got up to lay on the couch shortly before 6am. We watched Cars while I did my exercises. Around 7:30 Adam fell asleep. I was washing the kitchen floor when Jacob woke up around 8:30. He drew at the little table for awhile until Adam was awake. Adam seemed to be feeling better and didn't puke the rest of the day. He did have diarrhea though and not much of an appetite. We listened to some Christmas music during breakfast. Adam was dancing to the music and climbed onto the little chair to do a dance on it. There was a light snow on the ground. We went outside for awhile. Had fun playing in the hay and pretending we were on a ship. Jacob was the captain of the ship. Then the boys had fun making roads using their snow shovels. We went inside and ate an early lunch around 11:30. Jared got there around noon. Jacob's teachers came over for a home visit today. Jacob gave each of them a Christmas cookie and he ate one also. Before they left Jacob asked his teachers to come outside to see his animals. Jacob caught the silkie chicken for them to pet. Jared headed back to work soon after they'd left. The boys played with Bruder vehicles and legos. Around 2:30 I tucked Adam in for a nap. He slept until we woke him for dinner. Jacob played with moon sand. This evening the boys played with flour and some Bruder vehicles. They were tucked in bed by 9pm.


mom s said...

Sure looks like fun for those boys. Lots of great memories in the making.